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Alliance for Stray Animals and People  


Rehoming Animals

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(And other helpful tips)

There is a direct correlation between care and quality of food provided to an animal and the animal's health. Commit to providing the best care possible, including high-end food. Maintain a kitty emergency fund (some people keep one credit card with a low balance for routine and emergency veterinary care). An inordinate number of animals were surrendered at shelters during the Persian Gulf War: plan ahead for your cat's future in the event you cannot continue to care for him/her for any reason.

Trim nails routinely and provide suitable scratching posts to protect your furnishings. There is a scratching post called "The Tall Felix" manufactured on a limited basis and available only at some specialty pet boutiques and stores for about $60 that is one of the best. It can be mail ordered for about $50 by calling the manufacturer in Seattle, WA: (206) 547-0042. Replacement posts are available. Because cats actually use it, you will save money in the long run by investing in one of these posts.

Adapt the form below and use it as your organization's standard agreement between it and adoptees...

T.S. Eliot affirmed, "A cat is not a dog." "Time out" is more successful in working with cats than histrionics or plant misting bottles. Cats are smart and want to please.

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At initial veterinary checkup, ask your vet to check and treat (or repeat treatment) for earmites and/or worms. Also, inquire regarding Advantage© or a similar product for flea control.




© Cat Adoption Contractual Promises ©

I/we, promise to take this/these cat(s) adopted from ____________________________ into my/our home

and give him/her/them everything necessary for his/her/their physical and emotional health and well being,

including nutritious food (including canned food on a daily basis), exercise, companionship and veterinary

care. I/we WILL NOT DECLAW this/these cats, and they will NOT BE ALLOWED OUTSIDE. I/we

promise that if any problem or difficulty arises we will contact __________________________________.

Signature(s) / Date


Representative / Date


Street Address

City / State / Zip

Description of Cat/s __________________________________________________________________






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Alliance for Stray Animals and People
P.O. Box 65438
Washington, D.C. 20035-5438
(202) 331-1330
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